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The 2023 China Outdoor Sports Industry Conference was recently held in Dali, Yunnan, which released the China Outdoor Sports Industry Development Report (2022-2023). The report shows that in 2022 and 2023, the outdoor sports industry continues to heat up, ice and snow sports, road running and cycling, cross-country camping, etc. showed explosive growth, a number of areas have been restored to or even exceeded the pre-epidemic level, the number of market players has increased significantly, the post-90s have become the largest participant group, and women have become the main population of outdoor sports.

The opening ceremony of the 2023 China Outdoor Sports Industry Conference was held in Dali, Yunnan Province on the 27th. The conference lasted for three days, with the theme of “new outdoor life, new momentum of consumption”, covering the whole region of outdoor projects, including high-end forums, industrial exhibitions, promotional negotiations and experience shows in four major segments.

In order to further restore and expand sports consumption, the conference focused on releasing a number of “2023 China Outdoor Sports Excellence Route/Destination”. At the same time, Dali Prefecture also released the “Dali outdoor sports consumption scene”, giving full play to Dali’s resource advantages, and actively building a four-season outdoor sports city. The unveiling ceremony of “Yunnan Zhongshi Outdoor Sports Industry College” was also held at the meeting.